品仙有限公司擁有豐富的產業經驗,成功整合了生醫材料、基因工程、細胞分子生物以及美容保養品技術。公司曾為世界知名品牌L'Oreal、Estee Lauder、La Prairie等提供代工廠的關鍵原料,同時為台灣著名企業,包括國營企業、直銷商、醫美、藥妝、電視購物等品牌提供技術、半成品與成品。
K&T Biotech was founded in 2004 by professionals from various fields of biotechnology. The team comprises cellular molecular biologists, doctors, biomedical PhDs, and marketing experts. The core mission of the company is to integrate different biotechnological techniques and achieve rapid integration of products from research and development to commercialization through technological management.
K&T Biotech has extensive industry experience and has successfully integrated biomedical materials, genetic engineering, cellular molecular biology, and cosmetic technology. The company has provided key ingredients for world-renowned brands such as L'Oreal, Estee Lauder, La Prairie, and has also supplied technology, semi-finished, and finished products to famous Taiwanese enterprises, including state-owned enterprises, direct sellers, medical aesthetics, pharmacies, and television shopping brands.
In the era of the bio-industry, K&T Biotech is committed to applying biological substances to technology and life to improve human living conditions. The company will continue to collaborate with research institutions, continuously integrate technologies, provide products with excellent value for money, and create benefits for relevant partners, dedicated to providing the highest quality products to consumers.
- 保養品 ODM / OEM
Neo Lure 時空賦活膠囊_保濕美白抗老抗皺、品仙500mg紫色透明EGF膠囊~保濕美白抗老抗皺祛斑、rhEGF生長因子-保濕 抗老除皺 美白、Biospell---賦活緊緻系列_保濕美白抗老抗皺、品仙500mg黃色透明EGF膠囊_保濕美白抗老抗皺、品仙350mg紅色透明EGF膠囊_保濕美白抗老抗皺、品仙500mg潤白修護精華~美白保濕 滋養修護
- 公司名稱品仙有限公司-生醫及化粧品研究所
- 統一編號27513138
- 聯絡人康先生
- 手機
- 電話02-27912997
- 服務時間09:00AM - 18:00PM
- 服務類別美容護膚SPA、美妝保養